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Ripple is a being who was formed out of a human. Made by Dr. Z in the 30th century, Ripple was made to head back in time to destroy the X-men and revert things in time.

Ripple failed, and then was blown into space. However, the cosmic energy revived Ripple, and then he also gained a liquified state as well. From then, Ripple went back to the earth - using his liquid metallic forming powers to turn him into a human-based person - known as Dalton Dawson, a scientist and major of cosmology and energy.

Ripple - like said before - was gained a shape of liquid metal - that can cause him to shift into his human form - and into the cosmic being known as Ripple. Being so much into the cosmos, he controls mainly all energies from the cosmos and from a numerous amount of planets, as well as having a limited ability to absorb them into him.