Profile of Perry Darkstar
Name: Perry Darkstar
Age: 23(?)
Birthdate: Feb. 17, 1977
Place of Birth: Unknown
Current Residence: Whitmore Lake, Minnesota
Height/Weight: 5'11 - 188 lbs.
Hair/Eye Color: blonde hair, blue eyes

Perry was actually born Iskni'Saah - in an unknown realm - cosmic date 71-b2-817n7 - in Earth years, that would be Feb. 17 1977. However, his soul was said to be dated back in the 5th century or even earlier than that. The realm that he was raised upon is said that to be of a realm where Omni-powers lived and were born naturally with special powers. Perry, after age 13, went on into the Spiritual Plane to be enlightened of his powers.

After perry was enlightened he then started in training in it for a year. He was also one specially mentored by the Lord Spiritual Master - Onnu'Khsivi-Nineveh known more as Middlebelt Durranis. Over training so intensely, he was summoning his inner powers so immensely strong that he was as well fused with the Golden Powers, and his consciousness raised to the cosmic level. It was there that his golden powers has now been fused to control all cosmic energies.

Perry was then named the Lord Omni-Power of the realm, but as he went back home he saw his parents dead, and his siblings gone as well. It was tole that they were on planet Earth - and that the Omni-powers were in prejudice against the cross-breeds. Perry decided to go to earth and search for them. He made a house in Whitmore Lake, Minnesota, along his search. Perry's siblings were Aurora and Cloud Strife - Lena Haas and of course, Tiylos Darkstar.

Because of his cosmic consciousness, Perry made the Malakii Cosmic Concept, the art that is used to raise the consciousness of the one being trained to a cosmic level, causing the practitioner of it to control cosmic energies. Perry is one who usually can take a joke once - but then twice is too much. Plus, because of his cosmic level the cosmos appear to be part of both the light and the darkness - so basically Perry is a non-zealot.
Perry Darkstar

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