Real Life Friends
Ranma Orochi Saotome - Well, he's OK. He has been editing my pictures a number of times. We have known each other since high school. Webpage

Online Friends
Kathy McGee (Chibi Boing and a zillion other handles o.o) - She has been the one who I met during the times of Plymouth ... and has been through with me a lot through the personality changes ... Sha has edited a number of my pictures ... and we are always close during depressing times ... I plan to go see her IRL sometime, I think. ^^; She is sometimes a hyper mood, I think. Webpage

Heather-Rose Koutnik - Well, Heather and I don't talk as much, but we do get along. I wasn't so happy of what she did with myself (as Flynn), her, and Orochi, but well, I am trying to get over it, yet it seemed unexcusable because they both knew of what I was trying to go for. *sigh* Oh well, I was met with her by Kathy ... and she, just like Kathy, has their hyper moods ... o.o

Quinn (Guardian of Time) - Although me and her talk a few times, she is still a pretty good talker. At one time, she had talked with me (as Flynn) during the depressed times of Flynn.

Alexander Kish (Asuka, etc.) - ^^ Well, once I met Asuka, I think things had changed ... we have been emailing and RPing togather since the days before the WBS shutdown ... and ever since, she has tried her best to make the me (as Flynn) in a better mood, even if I (Flynn) lost the Rookie Fighter Competition. Webpage

Blair Mathias (Rick st. Cloude) - Well, I guess he is a friend. He's the Rookie Fighter of the Year for '99, but since he does think I am the most powerful sorcerer (since I have won 4 Sorcerer of the Year Titles, and he knows that I can blast him away anytime with my Golden Mana Ravage Beam), I think he would still be a pretty cool friend. Besides, we have had good times before then. ^_^ Webpages: 1 || 2 || 3

Other Online Friends: Cute Ranma Onna, Becky (Alexandrite), Kelly (Kelzilla), Lady Mizu, Josh (Xardion), Anne (Pretty Princess Kakyuu), Stef (Misao, PPM, etc.), Steph (Pigtailed Goddess), Alex Sword, Chrissy (Dedilin, Kajiita, etc.), Lucy (Eternal Beauty, Rune Venus, etc.), Fuse, Rocky (Princess Angelique Asuma).

Bigbob Roleplaying Friends (Flynn, I-275): Imoen, Dany, Asha re'Adamant, Spider Wolve, Neo Draven, Armando, Aurora Strife, Adline, Sailor Star Twin, The Dark Assassin, Kaimetsu Hachiman. (( The ones in bold are awesome! ))

If I forgot you, please send an email to and I hope to fix that ...