The Divine Dimension

At one point in life I just let everything take over me. Now I have to realize who I truly am and that I play a powerful role in things too. Welcome to my divine dimension - which is my personal page - based on personal and spiritual things. I really don't say much, so just look at the pages to know about me.
About Me
The Spiritual Path
Healing and Magick Works
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"Even though we all learn from others, we still don't learn anything until we look within and believe in our abilities that we have inside."

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Y2K New Year's Resolution
No matter how I look or what others think about me, and no matter how intimidating the other person is, I will have more faith in myself. I shall forget about all of the demeaning things that have been said to me by society and reality itself, and only focus on my own reality, my friends, positive family members, and my inner realm and the Powerful One within me.