Marianthall (Hilton) Finn

Name: Hilton Finn, Jr. (was then changed to Marianthall Finn)
Age: 36
Birthdate: March 16, 1964
Place of Birth: Feinmount, Minnesota
Current Residence: Doyle, Missouri
Height/Weight: 5'8'', 178 lbs
Hair/Eye Color: Black eyes, black hair

Is Hilton Days Finn, Jr., the all-powerful Angel of Duality? Not even close! (Probably.) However, no matter how his life of his is put, it'll seem that when you meet him it might be just that - although it might seem that he might be a skeptic in matters like that.

But Hilton, a skeptic in that? Not really, especially by the way his lifestyle in it. Hilton Jr. was born on March 16, 1964, in a modrately populated city of Feinmount, Minnesota. He lived a regular childhood and had no strange experiences. However, things had changed when he went to Dublin College. With the research he did off and on as a high-schooler about the afterlife, he started to get into Theology and the spiritual life. After 5 years and deep research, he breezed through to get a doctorate degree in Theology with a minor in the spiritual arts. He liked playing video games at that time and was also one who volunteered at a local hospital, who others say his help is like that of an angel from heaven. He worked as a psychologust at one time, and was also an honorary priest by many major churches, although his beliefs were not aligned with the churches'. After a few years he had his own firm, and some comments from others say that he might be some kind of clairvoyant/psychic, because at 19 and doing all of this, he seemed to know what seemed to be wrong with certain people. It seemed like some kind of spiritual gift that was not all flashy in any mystical or magickal form, he did it out of the sheer willpower of himself.

However, Hilton's work wasn't always looked up as that. matter of fact, some people say that he was actually a false prophet, or part of the works of the Devil. Matter of fact, the theologistic Dr. Finn has his fall in Feinmount after he was arrested,m charged, and then convicted of a murder of a man who actually said that about his work, and in Feinmount, people was skeptic of that, and what he did. At 26, Hilton was out of jail, after 13 months in there. His $7 million firm was still in tact, but then because of a lot of reasons, Hilton had to move - to a small Missouri town of Doyle. There, unlike Feinmount, his acts of kindness was respected all over Doyle, and throughout the state. Through the positive and negative feedback, Hilton knew what had to be done.

Hilton Jr. sooned changed his name to Marianthall Finn, after his father, Hilton the 1st, died. he started suffering from depression - but then knew that helping others was one of the ways to beat the depression that he had.

So, yes, Marianthall has done some negative things, and positive things, but one like him knows that life has to deal with that to keep his life in focus. And that is the whole scoop of Marianthall Finn.
Marianthall Finn

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