Hayes Lemoure Hardcastle

Name: Hayes Lemoure Hardcastle
Age: 20(?)
Birthdate: September 9, 1980
Place of Birth: Jarrprendel, Nevada
Current Residence: St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Height/Weight: 6'1, 206 lbs.
Hair/Eye Color: blonde hair, blue eyes

Before his reincarnation, The elven known as Hayes Lemoure Hardcastle was a mystic working for the deeds of others in Chase, Minnesota, a place that was trying to be taken over by the Zik'koru Empire. However, they say that every good hero dies once every now and then, and unfortunantely, that is what happened with Hayes. In a war with the Zik'koru Empire, Hayes apparently got killed. In his hometown of Chase, many mourned of his death, and made a plaque in the heart of downtown Chase - to remember the mighty one known as Hayes.

What was not noted though was that on September 9, 1980, 11 months after his death - Hayes was reincarned and born again - this time - in Jarrprendel, Nevada, as an orphaned person. He was raised in three cities, McDougall, Maryland; Chase, Minnesota (again); and St. Clair Shores, Michigan. However, he thougth about things when he was in Chase, and was having repercussions about hsi past life. It went even worse when he saw the plaque with the silver armor there in downtown Chase.

Back in the St. Clair Shores, Michigan area, actually, in New Baltimore, Hayes saw a certain mage who might have been appearing as one who was also in the war that he got killed in. The mage said that he was not using any more magic anymore, but then it took a bit for the mage to remember that he was the mighty Hayes Hardcastle. O'ue, the mage, taught Hayes about his powers, since he lost his knowledge of them when he was killed and reincarnated. It took a while for Hayes to remember some of his mystical powers. Although it seems that he is in training with the powers that he currently wiels, Lemoure can release them very powerfully - as if he was in full sync with all of his powers.

It was soon enough that Hayes was remembered back in Chase after some argumants about him being a impostor of what they thought was the eternally deceased Hayes. They finally know that he was back in the plane of existance. Mayor Jarreau Heimlich decaled September 1 to be a state holiday - Hardcastle Rememberance day - to remember the herioc deeds of Hardcastle himself.

Hardcastle at one time - met up with Middlebelt Durranis. And he was the guardian of the Holymaster Mystic's High Spiritual Temple, now located in the outskirst of Knots Landing, Michigan, 15 miles northeast of Hardcastle's area. However, Hardcastle - although still knows about that - doesn't do there as much because Somerset is usually never there.

Hayes now lives in a remote area about the lake - in the city of St. Clair Shores, Michigan. There he continues his training and now that he has heard the the Zik'koru Empire is back, Hayes might be in action once again, soon will be being more powerful than ever before!
Hayes Hardcastle

Hardcastle Roleplaying