Hardcastle's Roleplaying Realm

?Greetings to all - and welcome to my roleplaying realm. This is my site where I have all of my characters from the roleplaying rooms at Bigbob and many other places I go to on the web. There are 13 characters total** and soon there will be more. The characters are displayed from being plain human to godly all-powerful like and in between.

There are a number of pages as part of the realm ... which have up to 5 characters in each website. Each character will have their name in bold, a website if possible, and possibly a few words about the C. Also, the C's are also categorized in three alignments - or allegiances (whatever you say). It will be marked at a "ALT" by the characters name. Right now, the character's name is designed as good, neutral, or evil. I have not gone further in detail about "chaotic" or not because any of the c's can do such of that. There are also some that do not have an alignment.

Right now, I play strictly freeform. Why? I am a former AD&D player, however, I quitted in '97 and have forgot a lot about it. Second, I can barely play that anymore, and 3rd, I don't even see why playing if all of my c's are being killed all of the time in AD&D. So I pass. And now, for all of this info on AD&D I have to go all the way to Auburn Hills to get more info on it and other systems, so I am going what is in my heart.

**NOTE: Due to lack of roleplaying of some characters - many of the character ideas have stopped until further notice - and any C that has not made any good RP's in the last 11 weeks will be deleted. There were 15 C's that were deleted, and that is why I only have 13 instead of possibly 30.

To get to the characters pages please click on one of the respective pages. each one will give you a specification of what was said earlier about a C. I hope you enjoy looking throughout the pages and I hope you sign the guestbook after your visiting. Thanks for coming. If you would like, please drop me a line via the email address below.
Hayes Anthony Hardcastle

NEWS!! Flynn-Somerset has his own domain! Go to page 1 and look for Somerset's webpage or click here!

Feature Character of the Week: Ripple [NEW!]

Character Pages: 1 - 2 - 3
Guestbook: Sign It - View It

Other Pages:
-Joy Road and Gundam Wing
-Nova Warrior's Dragonball Roleplaying

Copyright 2000 - Anthony Hardcastle - Email: Anthony-Hardcastle@spiritualist.cjb.net

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