Profile of Duquesne Durranis

Name - Duquesne O'Reilly Durranis
Age - 16
Birthplace - Le Mousivieer, Ohio
Current Location - Drelden Township, Michigan
Date of Birth - August 3, 1983
Physical Stats - 5'1, 111 lbs.
Hair / Eye Color - Blue eyes / Black (Green) hair

Duquesne was unlike the other Durrani'. Everybody had something magickal about them, but Duquesne was not one who would believe that about him. He was just one who just lived on with his life as usual. He was a usual person who would care less about supernatural and magickal things. When Middlebelt and Finney told Duquesne about the needing to believe in his powers for the Apocalypse, he did not listen, and he just kept on with the normal life that he had. And yet he was somewhat happy, but was still wondering about this about the Apocalypse.

When the Apocalypse came, most of the Durrani' were fighting, if not killed. Duquesne was surprised at what happened, however, a gargoyle came along and picked him up. Duquesne looked back at the war and wondered. From then, the faith and feeling of magick started to surface from him, as the thought about the city gave him a thought. He then saw a huge explosion at Le Mousivieer, that then sighed, wondering if he thought that everybody was killed in the explosion.

Duquesne was then dropped off in somewhere in southeastern Michigan. Duquesne did find a check for 300 million dollars! From then, that was when Duquesne made a life in the city of Drelden Township. However, what was in his mind was the thoughts of the other Durrani, the hometown of Le Mousivieer, and about the supernatural and magickal. The life of the young Duquesne continues.

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